After School Programs
P2L’s After School programs combine child development theory with arts and recreation to create activities that engage students and build school connection. The research-based curriculum for our After School clubs has been successfully implemented in over 100 NYC public schools over the last 10 years.
Check out this clip for a taste of
P2L after school!
Our facilitators are caring, positive role models who work with students to create a safe space - a holding environment - helping them develop socialization skills while pursuing their passion. Students are supported in identifying strengths while exploring their interests and building healthy peer relations, all of which foster a stronger sense of self and increased pro-social behavior. Our curriculum is structured to embed Common Core Standards, SEL Standards, and STEM, and can be linked to the school day. Each After School club has a structured curriculum that covers core social competencies and culminates in a final project or community service.
We offer after school clubs in:
Creative Arts: Visual, Music, Dance, Drama, Spoken Word, and Digital Media
Sports and Recreation; Healthy Cooking
Leadership and Community Service
Current Issues
Young Men’s and Women’s Clubs
P2L’s dedication to quality is reflected in our staff and training. We work with a team of Leadership Trainers who have strong facilitation skills and professional experience in a variety of disciplines—musicians, actors, dancers, artists, and writers, and we provide them with over thirty hours of internal professional development each year. They are dynamic role models who will engage your students, build their enthusiasm, and strengthen their connection to school. We work with your staff and students to tailor programming to meet your school’s specific needs.
Check out one of our virtual drama activities, 5 Tips for Memorizing Lines →
Then take a virtual Drumming Class with Miss Elizabeth!
““I am just so happy that this program is making such a positive impact on our students and families…the facilitators have done such a great job responding to the students and putting up very inviting and engaging posts that the children can log on to at any time…I visit the live sessions during my lunch break for a little while the children are all so happy…it’s so worth it when you get to see the joy in their eyes when they are able to log on and complete an activity…this was such a great idea, the parents are even joining in.””